How do I set the Gas Limit and Gas Price in ELLIPAL?



How to Adjust the Gas Fee

Every time you submit a transaction, a gas fee is calculated and deducted. This fee is required to process your transaction on the blockchain network. However, gas fees can vary depending on network congestion—when the network is busy, fees may be higher to ensure faster transaction processing.

While the default gas fee is typically sufficient, there are times when you may want to adjust the gas fee manually to prioritize speed. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to adjust the gas fee to suit your needs.

Open your app-tap a token- "send" -"Transaction fee" field


How to Adjust the Gas Limit

In addition to gas fees, the gas limit is another important factor that can impact the success of your transaction. If a transaction fails due to a low gas limit, you will need to adjust it to ensure the transaction completes successfully.

The following steps will help you identify if the failure was caused by the gas limit and show you how to adjust it.

Take an ERC20 transaction as an example; search for the transaction ID using this link:

  1. Go to the details page of the failed transaction. Check if there is an "Out of Gas" error message. Then scroll down to the "More Details" section, click "Click to show more," and check the "Gas Limit & Usage by Txn." See if the percentage is near or at 100%.

    If so, go to the transaction records page for the token by either searching for the contract address or selecting the contract address on the current transaction details page.

  1. Find the latest successful transaction records with method "transfer"

  2. Check the "Gas Limit & Usage by Txn" field; the number on the right represents the gas limit required for the current transaction.

  3. Open your app-tap the token- "send" -"Transaction fee" field-"Customize"-"Gas limit" field.

  4. Enter a number higher than the current required gas limit and initiate the transaction again.

To understand why the transaction failed due to "Out of Gas," click here to learn more.



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