Look Up The Complete Word of Your Mnemonic - ELLIPAL Metal Mnemonic Steel Wallet

Look Up The Complete Word of Your Mnemonic - ELLIPAL Metal Mnemonic Steel Wallet


4 Letters to Full Word Mnemonics Guide

Please use this guide to look up the full word of your mnemonic if you are using the 4 letters system on ELLIPAL Metal Mnemonic.

Mnemonics generated by ELLIPAL uses BIP39 specification so with just the first 4 letters, you can know the rest of the word.

When using your Metal Mnemonics to recover your account on the ELLIPAL device, simply type 4 letters you arranged on the Metal Mnemonics and the rest of the word will automatically shows up.

Which word represents my 4 letters mnemonic?

4 Letters to Full Word Seed Phrase Guide

Please use this guide to look up the full word of your seed phrase if you are using the 4 letters system on ELLIPAL Seed Phrase Steel.

Seed phrases generated by ELLIPAL uses BIP39 specification so with just the first 4 letters, you can know the rest of the word.

When using your Steel Seed Phrase to recover your account on the ELLIPAL device, simply type 4 letters you arranged on the Seed Phrase Steel and the rest of the word will automatically shows up.

  1. Find the full list of BIP 39 seed phrase word list online and download it. 
  2. Once you have the list, use the search function (Ctrl+F) to find the word starting with your 4 letters.